Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Making Paper Marigolds

Every year my Second Graders make tissue paper marigolds as part of our theme on Days of the Dead. Here are the instructions to make your own with your students:

1) Cut green pipe cleaners in half, making enough so every student will have one. Attach a small piece of green paper into which you have punched a hole to one end, twisting stem around itself so it will stay on. This will serve as a nametag.

2) Take 4-5 pieces of tissue paper, approximately 4 or 5 inches square. I buy them pre-cut from Dick Blick Art Supplies (a catalog-google to find it) or you can buy larger sheets at a craft store and cut the paper down to size. Stack the sheets.

3) Fold the stack in half, creating a rectangle.

4) Fold in half again, taking care to hold onto folded corner in middle of above rectangle.5) Holding folded corner, cut opposite corner, making a curved cut.

6) To make petals, cut fringe along the curved cut- the more cuts you make, the more petals you will have.7) Unfold gently.8) Gently poke the pipe cleaner through the center of each sheet. Doing each sheet separately reduces the possibility of tearing. Bend the end over to keep the sheets from coming off the stem.

8) Scrunch each sheet upwards towards center of flower. Be gentle! I have seen many a flower come off the stem during this last step. Fluff and admire!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! You have a great blog!