Saturday, September 24, 2011

Call and Response

I love call and response activities.... they engage all students, serve to call attention to a particular action, and can be a great help with classroom management. One of my favorites ways to use call and response is to get my classes' attention. The way it works is this:
I say 'Nachos', and my students respond with 'Salsa'. We practiced and modeled what this looks like and sounds like... the expectation being that when they say 'salsa', they stop what they are doing and place their attention on me. My students love it and I easily get their attention when it is needed. Any pairing of related vocabulary works.... '¡Lima!' '¡Perú!, '¡Buenos! '¡Días!, '¡Frida!' ¡Kahlo!'... the possibilities are endless, and as you can see, it is a wonderful way to incorporate culture into your routine.