Sunday, September 21, 2008


Want your kiddos attention? I've seen teachers count to 10, shout over the kids, clap their hands, snap their fingers, use clever sayings like '1, 2 , 3, eyes on me'- I've even used some of these myself.
However, none have worked as well as using a noisemaker to get my students attention. It could be a maraca, a bell, a chime, a squeaky toy (that's what I use :)), whatever you have. The trick is to train your students-practice by shaking the maraca (or whatever you have chosen) and have the kids give you their immediate attention. Do this several times over a few classes so they become accustomed to responding to the sound. Be firm and consistent- expect their attention immediately. If they are having difficulty, practice again. I usually take time throughout the year to practice- the more you reinforce classroom management the more successful you will be.

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