Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sub Tub

I can not believe I never came up with this idea before! Creating sub plans has always been a challenge, especially considering it is a rare event when my sub speaks Spanish, so a day out is a day lost. Browsing on Pinterest, I came across another teacher's Sub Tub, and with modifications, I have created a marvel (or so I think!). My goal was to create a tub filled with activities that were reusable, easy for a sub who doesn't speak Spanish to manage, and were cultural or linguistic in nature, but accessible for students. I started by thinking of the necessary components:
-Plan book (In this I have, of course, my schedule, emergency info, and instructions for how to use the sub tub and more- see below for a longer listing.)

-Activities organized by grade level (The bulk of these activities are games, each in its own bag, with instructions for how to lead the game/activity and materials to play. See below for a listing of the activities I've included.) The sub chooses one of these activities to do with each class. They are organized by grade level.

-Additional Materials (ball for greeting games, bingo chips, playing cards, etc)

Though it took a lot of time and effort to get the tub together, now I do not need to worry about heading into work in the morning when I am really sick, the plans are always ready to go!

-Introduction to Sub Tub
-Class notes, including assigned seats, class rules and routines, food allergy info, how to transition classes
-Conducting a Lesson (Three components: Greeting, Poem, Activity)... this details how to run the three components of the lesson
-Greeting Activities- I start all classes with a greeting activity. I've included four activities which are easy for a sub to manage; materials such as a ball for 'Ball Roll' are in the tub.
-Basic Instructions for Class Activities
-Map of School
-Phone Extensions

-Poems- I have a book entitled 'Poetry Celebrating Life in the Amazon Rainforest' which the kids love. I've made a checklist of each class and each poem, so as one is read, the sub checks off the poem and which class has heard it. This creates a visual reference should I be out again; the next sub will know which poems have been read to which classes.
-Fairytales- I have included a selection of fairytales and folktales from various Spanish speaking countries and a checklist for these. (K, 1)
-Bingo (Lotería)- This could be any vocabulary set, but mine is colors and numbers to 10. The call cards have the word and pronunciation on the back for the sub. (K-2)
-Gato (TicTacToe) (K-3)
-Memorama (Memory)- I made a version with various pictures and vocabulary having to do with Days of the Dead. You could use any vocabulary set or cultural images. (3,4)
-Puzzles- I took a variety of large pictures and maps of cultural images, glued each to a stiff piece of paper, laminated them, and then cut them into pieces. Each puzzle goes into a little baggie. Kids can do the puzzles in pairs. Should they finish one puzzle, they can choose another. (1, 2, 3)
-Reloj (a card game from Spain) (4)

All games have been played with classes at some time in the past so the classes are familiar with them. I've noted the grade levels for each activity in parenthesis. Many other types of games could be included; I plan on adding others in the future to mix it up a bit and add choice. Yay to the Sub Tub!

We've created a Sub Tub Kit ready to print out and put together! Games, activities and more to create your own... get it here!
Get it here!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welcome back!

I am getting my room ready for the start of school and wanted something that shared with my students how I feel about them. I ran across a really neat door display on Pinterest,, which I decided to adapt for my room. The result is the above, with vocabulary they already know and new that they can figure out. I am excited to share with them!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Songs in Pictograms

Wow! I stumbled upon this site a few days ago and just love it! A large number of authentic children's songs have been illustrated word for word.... just incredible!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

When they are done......

We have all been there.... the class is doing a project or an activity, and one of your students finished way ahead of the rest. So, what do you do? Traditionally, I have had extra activities for my students to do: mazes, dot to dots, coloring pages, all related in some way to the theme we are doing at the time, and in Spanish of course!! Recently, however, I found another idea which I interested in trying out...activity bags. The essence of the idea is to create an activity (such as a sorting activity) whereby the student has to take out the pieces and complete the for instance, in the bag you have four word cards, chiquitito, pequeño, grande, enorme, and small manipulatives of a variety of animals (or picture cards if you don't have manipulatives) and the student has to sort the animals accordingly. You can then check to see if they have done so correctly before they put the activity away. My thought would be to also have a card for each student in their folder with each activity on it that they check off as complete a task (or you could put stickers on it).
As I said, I am going to try this out and will report back!